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Name Launch date Supply after initial burn Presale % Liquidity %
Team control
Presale Price Hard cap Team presale share
Launch price
Base price
Presale Price ratio
Launch Price ratio
Risk points
Holding Hands HOH Apr 10, 2022 475,000,000,000 79% 20% 1% 0.0000000008 300 40% 0.000000000943 0.000000000189 4.2X 5X 0.16
Project Shares
Project Name Holding Hands
Token Symbol HOH
Blockchains BSC
Total supply 475,000,000,000
Presale price 0.0000000008
Market cap 380
Launch date Apr 10, 2022
Presale Liquidity Team control
About Holding Hands
Revolutionizing global philanthropy

Project HoldingHands is developing the first Web 3.0 platform to unite charity, gaming and cryptocurrencies

The best investments are those that also help make the world a better place. This is the main basis of the token, which through a social network, created for institutions and social actions around the world, both large and small, will be able to show their work they do in society, this social network will have a connection with their wallet and every Holder HOH will be able to choose your institution for future donations through the force of the 'DAO' the most voted will be chosen for the donation.

It revolutionizes because it brings the SmartGame PACHOH (Play to Win) The SmartGame will unite the technology of the NFT Games with the SMARTDEFI the player will be able through the Game to have a passive income with the game because it will earn reward in three modes (Farm / PVE / PVP) HOH token will work interconnected with SDHOH in a single liquidity pool and the Internal token in Game SG will constantly work to increase the Baseline of the SDHOH token, the player will always leave the Game with the SDHOH token so we will bring Smartdefi technology to all DeFi .

We will be the first Hybrid Token uniting the technologies (DeFi and SmartDeFi), we will have a bridge where the investor will be able to migrate their tokens both SD to non-SD or on the contrary, this technology will use the packaging system already created, thus feeding the passive income from HOH TOKEN.

A portion of every HOHtoken transaction is reflected back to all HOHtoken holders with a 1% reward on purchase or sale.
Buy Fees of Holding Hands Token
Property Percentage
Asset Backing 5%
Holder Reflections 1%
Burn ROX 0.1%
Total for 0.001 ROX holders 5.1%
Total 6.1%
Sell Fees of Holding Hands Token
Property Percentage
Asset Backing 5%
Holder Reflections 1%
Burn FEG 0.5%
FEG staking rewards 0.12%
Smart Rising Price Floor 5%
Total 11.62%